

625 Uppsatser om Anion exchange chromatography - Sida 1 av 42

Expression and Purification of Murine Tripeptidyl Peptidase II

Tripeptidyl peptidase II (TPPII) is an exopeptidase which cleaves tripeptides from theN-terminus of peptides. The exact functional role of TPPII is still a matter of investigation. Itis believed that the enzyme is primarily involved in intracellular protein degradation, where itcooperates with the proteasome and other peptidases to degrade proteins into free aminoacids. These amino acids can subsequently be used in the production of new proteins. The aimof this work was to express murine wild type TPPII using E.

Barley starch, structure and properties

Starch is a naturally occurring substance in most plants and is used as energy storage. It is a component that mainly consists of amylose and amylopectin. Together they build a complex pattern which gives starch its specific properties. The proportion of amylose and amylopectin varies in different plants but generally starch consists of 25 % amylose and 75 % amylopectin. There have been discoveries of barley varieties containing 100 % amylopectin called ?waxy starches? or ?waxy barley? as well as varieties that have a high content of amylose, around 70 % and these are called ?amylotypes?.

Removal efficiency of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water : evaluation of granular activated carbon (GAC) and anion exchange (AE) using column tests, and the effect of dissolved organic carbon

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a group of environmental contaminants that have gained increasing attention due to their potential to bioaccumulate, environmental persistence and potential toxicity. PFASs have been found in surface water, sediment, air, soil, sludge and ice caps globally, as well as in wildlife and humans. Furthermore, PFASs have also been detected in drinking water, leading to raised concerns for human health, since drinking water is one of the most significant sources of PFASs for the general population. Conventional water treatment techniques have shown to be ineffective removing PFASs, highlighting the importance for further research to develop efficient removal techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal efficiency of PFASs in water using two treatment techniques; granular activated carbon (GAC), type Filtrasorb 400®, and anion exchange (AE), type Purolite A-600. Additionally, the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on removal efficiency was studied.

Biokemisk och immunologisk karaktärisering av pepsin-spjälkade mjölkallergener

Milk allergens were digested by allowing them to flow through a chromatography column, where pepsin was conjugated to the stationary phase of the column. The allergen fragments were then characterized both biochemically, by using SDS-PAGE and gel permeation chromatography, and immunologically, by examining their reactivity to IgE and monoclonal antibodies..

Syra-bas och laktat hos kolikhästar :

Ten colic horses and seven healthy horses were included in a prospective study aiming to evaluate acid-base disturbances in colic horses. Traditional acid-base methods and measurements of lactate were used to study prognosis and changes before, during and after surgery. Strong ion gap, anion gap and base excess were compared to evaluate their ability to predict lactate. Of the ten colic horses that went through surgery, seven survived, two were euthanised and one died. Significant differences in plasma lactate levels were seen between the group of survivals and non-survivals, p=0,000025. No differences were seen in pH and base excess between the two groups.

Uran i dricksvatten : litteraturstudie om reningsmetoder samt pilotförsök med jonbytesteknik

Uranium (U) is a naturally occurring component in bedrock and under the "right" conditions it can dissolve and move into the ground water. Since many people in Sweden depend on drilled wells as their main drinking water supply, they may be exposed to the uranium in the water. Radioactive radiation is not the major concern associated with naturally occurring uranium. It is rather the chemical properties of uranium that make it a potential danger to human health. Uranium is proven to have toxic effects with respect to the functioning of the kidneys.

Development of a method for determination of pesticide residues in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Honey is a product that may contain pesticide residues due to contamination from bees pollinating various plants as well as elimination of vermin inside the hive. Different methods are needed for analysis of pesticides, since the term includes a wide range of different substances. National Food Administration lacks a validated method for determination and quantification of pesticides in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS. The technique is especially important in analysis of polar and non-volatile pesticides, where gas chromatography is not functioning optimally. After investigating what pesticides could be found in honey produced in Sweden, a number of four pesticides suitable for analysis with LC-MS/MS was compiled; boscalid, impidacloprid, tau-fluvalinate and thiacloprid.

Utveckling av webbaserad Outlookklient kopplad mot Exchangeserver

Ett nystartat företag ville skapa en hemsida som såg ut och fungerade som Outlook.  Denna sida skulle senare kunna kopplas till Exchange eller något liknande e-postserverprogram. Under arbetets gång så installerades en labbserver med Exchange. När servern var färdig så skulle det gå att koppla upp företaget Teleriks webmaillösning för att sedan kolla om den klarar av Exchange. Målet var att en sida liknande Outlook, till utseende samt funktion, skulle skapas. Denna sida skulle sedan kopplas ihop med en fungerande Exchange server.

En IT-baserad plattform för skolförbättring : En kvalitativ studie av lärares informations- och erfarenhetsutbyte

This thesis has created an image of the exchange of information among teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study indicates that the exchange of information seems to be limited at all levels and the exchange that takes place outside the own teaching team occurs mainly through teachers personal networks. The study also shows barriers that may exist and the opportunities that an increased exchange may generate. From the picture that the empirical material provides and the theory that is presented a discussion is made around how IT can best support the organizational learning in schools. A concrete proposal is that at national level an IT platform should be created, which primarily focuses on materials that are created by its users and has an open architecture with a single login..

"Det bästa med skolan" : En elevinriktad studie om motiv och attityder till internationella utbildningsutbyten.

In Sweden, little research has been done on the topic of international exchange programs that various schools offer to their pupils. This study investigates how pupils view these exchange programs, and how in their opinion it affects their learning and their level of motivation. The study also investigates the motives for taking part in or declining an international exchange. To answer these questions a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews with pupils with and without experience respectively was carried out.The study indicates that pupils that have not taken part in an exchange believe that it is a time consuming quest that may affect the student?s results in other courses, which is not a belief shared by the other group.

Cross-Border Listings and Price Discovery: Evidence from UK- and US-listed Swedish Stocks

Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the extent to which the London stock exchange and the US stock exchange Nasdaq respectively contributes to the price discovery of Swedish stocks listed on the Stockholm stock exchange, the London stock exchange and the US stock exchange Nasdaq.Method: The study is a replicate study of the studies by Grammig, Melvin and Schlag (2000) and Eun and Sabherwal (2003). The methodology is based on the methodology of the latter study. The data material consisting of quoted stock prices for three Swedish stocks on the three stock exchanges at five-minute intervals during a 49-day-period in 2003 has been run through different statistical tests in a five-step process.Conclusion: The evidence of this study shows that prices on SSE, LSE and NASD are cointegrated and mutually adjusting. The evidence suggests that in all three cases, price discovery takes place on the home stock exchange SSE. Moreover, LSE contributes more to price discovery than Nasdaq.

De levandes gåvor och de dödas efterlämningar : -En kemisk analys på harts och ökendadel (Balanites aegyptiaca) från två egyptiska kärl

This paper aims to investigate the embalming process and the Balanites aegyptiaca from two pottery originated in ancient Egypt. The two objects were from Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. Samples were collected and analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify which components the samples contained. The results show complex mixtures mainly consisting of resin origin from Pinaceae and the vegetable oils from the Balanites aegyptiaca..

Effekten av Valutarisk på Bilateral Handel

 This paper evaluates the effect of exchange rate risk on the sum of bilateral trade. To distinguish the effect between different types of countries, two groups are defined: advanced and developing economies. Economic theory on exchange rate risk and trade proposes ambiguous effects of increased volatility. However, the ex ante hypothesis is that developing economies are more sensitive to volatility. Contrarily to the hypothesis, the empirical results suggest that advanced economies would benefit up to twice as much from a removal of exchange rate risk.

"Det ska inte vara lätt att knarka" : En studie om sprututbyte och svensk narkotikapolitik.

The drug treatment staff attitude towards needle exchange is what investigates in this study. The aim of this study is to see what?s affecting the standpoints in the needle exchange issue and also to investigate if the needle exchange is compatible with Swedish drug policy. The study has a qualitative approach and it?s based on eight semi-structured interviews with drug treatment staff.

Stabil växelkurs och låg inflation - Inbördes oförenliga? En studie av implikationerna av en real appreciering

This paper examines a long run macroeconomic dilemma. This dilemma states that given a real appreciation, i.e. a continuous increase in the real exchange rate, an economy has two options open with respect to inflation and nominal exchange rate. Either the economy chooses a fixed exchange rate- regime but has to allow for a rising inflation. Or the economy can choose an inflation targeting- regime, but then has to allow for an appreciating nominal exchange rate.

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